See also subsequent analyses.

RT32 Pointing Model

The RT32 telescope, due to its rigid construction, is quite accurate an instrument that allows for precise pointing to a desired sky object at most of observing frequencies. However, small deviations from an ideal case in mechanical construction and electrical properties become gradually more important as higher frequencies are used. To be able to quickly and unfailingly aim the telescope at any sky object, a steering system must be given a model that accounts for all the inaccuracies down to certain limit. Such a model is used to compute corrections to 'true' sky coordinates (corresponding to an ideal construction) to obtain 'apparent' coordinates.
Here we describe a model worked out for the RT32 telescope based on the standard pointing model used in the Field System (FS) and detailed in the Mark IV Field System Documentation, Pointing Model (Version 8.2/Sept. 1, 1993). The FS model, which is applicable to a variety of telescope mounts (Toruń Alt-Az mount inclusive), is based in turn on the model used to analyze Apollo 13 tracking data (Apollo 13 MSFN Metric Tracking Performance, Final Report, Document X-832-70-156, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, July 1970).
The model implemented in the FS is approximate one. The approximations are very good indeed. Still they necessarily fail in close proximity of the zenith, which is not really a big problem, since this region is practically inaccesible due to a blind spot caused by a singularity at the zenith itself (where the azimith velocity corresponding to diurnal motion is infinite and the zenith coordinate indeterminate). Nevertheless, it is useful to have an exact model at least to be able to check on accuracy of the approximated model. The general exact model presented in the FS documentation is quite involved and is based on vector and matrix calculus. We have derived an exact altitude-azimuth model basing on spherical trigonometry solutions alone, which turns out to be simple enough to be directly implemented in a fitting process. Tests have proved that the approximation model can be safely used in place of the exact one, at least in the case of the RT32 telescope, whose parameters are very small.
When comparing our model with the FS model one should remember that our definition of the azimuth coordinate differs in respect of the origin. We measure it from the direction of South, while FS has it counted from North, thus there is a shift of π between these two definitions. Consequently, e.g. our terms for the tilts 'out' and 'over', since they have the same mathematical form as those defined in the FS model, when positive must be interpreted as toward South and West, respectively (and not North and East).

Telescope azimuth axis tilt

Fig. 1: Sky coordinate relationships for an Alt-Az mounted telescope with azimuth axis tilted by η in meridian plane α West from South
Consider a situation when the telescope azimuth axis lies in the meridian at an angle α West from the local meridian (i.e., the one that passes through the South point, S) at an angle η away from the zenith. In other words, the apparent zenith has true coordinates: azimuth α and altitude π/2 – η. This situation would mean that the azimuthal track is not accurately levelled. The transformation from the true coordinates of a source, azimuth A and altitude H, to the apparent coordinates (as measured by otherwise an ideal alt-az telescope), A' and H', can be obtained by solving two spherical triangles having one common side, between the zeniths (true Z and apparent Z'), and the other two connecting these zeniths with the South point and with the observed source Q (see accompanying figure). We have obviously:
sin(π/2 – ξ) sinκ = sinα
sin(π/2 – ξ) cosκ = –cosη cosα
(these allow to find the intermediate angle κ)
sin(π/2 – H′) sin(A′+ κ) = cos H sin(α – A)
sin(π/2 – H′) cos(A′+ κ) = sin H sinη – cos H cosη cos(α – A)
cos(π/2 – H′) = sin H cosη + cos H sinη cos(α – A).
Reducing these equations leads to the required relations:
arctan cos H sin(α – A)

sinH sinη – cos H cosη cos(α – A)
– arctan sinα

–cosη cosα
arcsin[sinH cosη + cos H sinη cos(α – A)]
Here, in equation (1), the arctan functions must be evaluated for a proper quarter basing on the signes of the numerator and denominator of their arguments.
Splitting this tilt into two orthogonal components, ξ along the local meridian and ζ towards West (W), one obtains:
sinη cosα
sinη sinα
(these relations were derived so as to be consistent with the definitions given in the FS Documentation).
Exact expressions for A' and H' dependence on ξ and ζ are derived from equations (1) and (2) by substituting 0 and π/2, respectively, for α. For small η so obtained equations can be easily reduced to practically useful approximations:
A′– A
ηsin(A – α) tan H ≈ (ξsin A – ζcos A) tan H
H′ – H
ηcos(A – α) ≈ ξcos A + ζsin A

Elevation axis and main lobe offsets
The azimuth and altitude axes are ideally mutually perpendicular, so are altitude axis and optical axis (meaning direction of the power pattern maximum) of an alt-az telescope. In the following we shall derive formulae that account for imperfections in these two perpendicularities, firstly each one separetely, then both combined. All of them were checked i practical programs.

Elevation axis skew
If the elevation axis is inclined to the plane perpendicular to the azimuth axis (i.e. plane of the track) by an angle σ defined positive when, while A = 0, its West side points above the plane, then the required relations are obtained by solving the triangle fomed by the South point, the 'tilted zenith' and the observed source. We have:
sin H′ = sin H"σ cosσ
sin(A"σ – A′) cos H′ = sinσ sin H"σ
and also (useful for derivation of approximation to H"σ – H′)
tan H"σ – H′

= tan A"σ – A′


Thus the measured horizontal coordinates will be:
A′+ arcsin(tanσ tan H′)
arcsin sin H′

, for H′ ≤ π

π – arcsin sin H′

, for H′ > π

Note that the equations (7) and (8) imply inaccessibility of the sky regions, where π/2 – |σ| < H′ < π/2 + |σ|, i.e. within a circular spot of radius equal to |σ| around the 'tilted zenith'. Corresponding approximations for small σ are:
A"σ – A′
σ tan H′
H"σ – H′

Beam direction (or box) offset
The main beam direction with respect to the elevation axis is determined primarily by mutual orientation of the dish, the secondary mirror and the placement of feeds. Assuming the effective beam declines from perpendicularity to the elevation axis by an angle β, counted positive towards East when the dish is directed to A = 0, one can easily solve a suitably chosen triangle with vertices at the West point of the elevation axis, the source, and the point on the 'skewed meridian' passing through the source and placed π/2 away from the 'skewed zenith' (the sides of this triangle are π/2 + β, π/2 – A"β + A"σ, and H"σ). Thus noting that
cos(π/2 + β) = sin(A"β – A"σ) cos H"σ, and
sin(π/2 + β) = sin H"σ

sin H"β
we get immediately:
A"σ + arcsin sinβ

cos H"σ
arcsin sin H"σ

with conditioning of eq. (12) similar to that of (8) or using instead the expression H''β = arccos(cos H"σ √{1 – sin2β/cos2H"σ}/cosβ). Also note again that the equations (11) and (12) imply inaccessibility of the sky regions, where |π/2 – H"σ| > |β|, which effectively causes the circular spot due to the elevation axis skew around the 'tilted zenith' to enlarge (or shrink) its radius to |σ + β|. Corresponding approximations for small β are:
A"β – A"σ

cos H"σ
H"β – H"σ

Skew and box offset jointly

Fig. 2: Sky coordinate relationships for an Alt-Az mounted telescope with elevation axis skewed by σ and main beam offset by β with respect to the perpendicular to the elevation axis. The beam may assume only directions along the broken curve, thus up to the altitude of π/2 – |σ + β|
These two effects can be solved for simultaneously. Referring to Fig. 2 one obtains directly:
sin(π/2 – β) sin(π/2 + H") = sin(π/2 – H′) sin(π/2 + A" – A′)
sin(π/2 – β) cos(π/2 + H") = cos(π/2 – H′) sin(π/2 – σ) – sin(π/2 – H′) cos(π/2 – σ) cos(π/2 + A" – A′)
cos(π/2 + β) = sin H′sinσ + cos H′cosσ cos(π/2 + A" – A′).
Reducing these equations leads to the required relations:
= A′ + arcsin sin H′ sinσ + sinβ

cos H′ cosσ
= arctan sin H′ + sinσ sinβ

cos H′ cosσ cos(A" – A′)

Gravitational pull exerted on telescope structural elements and thermal deformations cause errors that would be difficult to precisely predict. To a first approximation the gravitational sag can be modeled to affect only the altitude coordinate so that
H"′ – H" ≈ γ cos H.

Other offsets
Both the coordinate counters (encoders) are likely to contain a constant offset (bias) and possibly a rate component. They can be modeled simply as Ao + ρA for the azimuth and similar expression for the altitude counter.
Various unmodeled effects are almost sure to be present in practice and must be accounted for basing on analysis of measurements made with a particular design. Frequently useful are ad hoc model components proportional to the sine and cosine of the coordinates and their multiples.

Complete model
Groupping all the described contributions to overall position offsets in both coordinates one may construct a complete form of the model. Preliminary analysis of actual observational data for the RT32 showed that the approximations derived above are really very good and not all the mentioned ad hoc components are useful. These allowed to reduce the model to the following two expressions:
Ao + (ξsin A – ζcos A + σ) tan H + β

cos H
+ p9sin2A + p10cos2A
Ho + ξcos A + ζsin A + γcos H + p8sin H + p11sin2A + p12(condition)
Here follows a Fortran subroutine to calculate azimuth (dAz) and altitude (dAlt) offsetts in degrees for given true coordinates, Az and Alt (in radians) and the model parameters, according to exact formulation.
	subroutine Model(Az,Alt,dAz,dAlt,p)
c RT32 model for azimuth (Az) and altitude (Alt) pointing 
c offsets, dAz, dAlt. Parameters p are in degrees, so are the
c offsets while Az and Alt must be supplied in radians.
c It is more accurate version of Model3A with exact analytical 
c expressions for effects of telescope tilt, elevation axis
c skew and main lobe offset.
	implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
	real*4 Az,dAz,Alt,dAlt,p(12),Hjump
	data pi/3.141592653589793d0/
	xi=p(5)*pi/180d0	! tilt out  (toward Az=0 deg)
	zeta=p(6)*pi/180d0	! tilt over (toward Az=90 deg)
	sigma=p(3)*pi/180d0	! skew
	beta=p(4)*pi/180d0	! beam (box) offset

c Tilt
	AT_Az=AT - Az
		if( then

c Skew & box offset together (good also for hT > pi/2)
	dAz=arcsin( (dsin(sigma)*dsin(hT)+
     *dsin(beta))/(dcos(hT)*dcos(sigma)) )

     *+p(1)     	! encoder offset
     *+p(9)*sin(2*Az)	! ad hoc
     *+p(10)*cos(2*Az)	! ad hoc
	if(dabs(dAz).gt.180d0) dAz=dAz-dsign(360d0,dAz)

	dAlt= (hb-Alt)*180/pi
     *+p(2)		! encoder offset
     *+p(7)*ch		! sag
     *+p(8)*sh		! ad hoc
     *+p(11)*sin(2*Az)	! ad hoc
	if(Hjump(Az,Alt).gt.0.) dAlt=dAlt+p(12)

function Hjump(Az,Alt) c Ad hoc function used to model the observed jump in altitude c offsets. With Alt<0 it returns the altitude of the jump. data pi/3.141593/ Hjump=0 A=Az*180/pi H=Alt*180/pi if(A.le.0.) then Hj=65+7*cos(Az/2) else Hj=55+((A-95)/90)**2*15 endif if( Hjump=1 if( Hjump=Hj end
The described approximations were implemented according to equations (18) and (19) in this routine:
	subroutine ModelA(Az,Alt,dAz,dAlt,p)
c RT32 model for azimuth and altitude offsets; parameters p are
c in degrees. Should be good for Alt > pi/2 since then p5 and
c p6 both get opposite signs relative to pi - Alt direction and
c assuming p9 and p10 are connected with wheels position on
c the azimuth track.
	real*4 p(12)
	data pi/3.141593/
c ********* Model for azimuth offset **********
	dAz=p(1)	! encoder offset
     *+p(3)*t		! axis skew
     *+p(4)/cos(Alt)	! box offset
     *+p(5)*sin(Az)*t	! tilt out  (toward Az=0 deg)
     *-p(6)*cos(Az)*t	! tilt over (toward Az=90 deg)
     *+p(9)*sin(2*Az)	! ad hoc
	if(abs(dAz).gt.180.) dAz=dAz-sign(360.,dAz)
c ********** Model for altitude offset **********
	if( A=pi+A
	dAlt= p(2)	! encoder offset
     *+p(5)*cos(A)	! tilt out  (toward Az=0 deg)
     *+p(6)*sin(A)	! tilt over (toward Az=90 deg)	
     *+p(7)*cos(Alt)	! sag
     *+p(8)*sin(Alt)	! ad hoc
     *+p(11)*sin(2*A)	! ad hoc
	if(Hjump(Az,Alt).gt.0.) dAlt=dAlt+p(12)
This Fortran subroutine must not be used for points very close to the zenith (say, closer than 0.1 degree in the RT32 case). However it was programmed to be applicable for pointing in plunge, i.e. for altitudes (Alt) some distance behind π/2, provided the p9 and p10 parameters are interpreted to be related to the wheels position on the azimuth track. So far, however, this option of pointing in plunge has not been tested against measurements (for a time being, the steering system prevents such observations).

Data analysis
The offsets from the true source positions were recently measured independently for both the coordinates at a few thousand points. These measurements were performed using special software described in the 32 m Radio Telescope — Technical Description and Observer's Handbook (Chapter VIII, presently available only in Polish). Assumed source positions were the catalogue equatorial coordinates precessed to the epoch of observations and converted to the azimuth and zenith distance at the RT32 latitude and longitude.
For the purpose of model fitting these data at the outset have been corrected by removing from them a few of known effects, namely:
1) Nutation of catalogue source coordinates (amplitude about 17")
2) Stellar and diurnal aberration (20")
3) UT1 – UTC offset due to variable Earth rotation (13")
4) Polar motion effect on RT32 coordinates (17 m)
5) Mean atmospheric refraction (~60"/tan H).
(The item No 4 above is practically negligible, but has been included for completeness.)
Corrected data were then used in a fitting process to get the estimates of model parameters, simultaneously for azimuth and altitude models. Simultaneity is essential, because the two approximation models have two (tilt) parameters in common, and there are more common parameters in the exact version. To this end the two data sets were glued together to be seen by a standard weighted least-squares fitting program as one while the function being fitted switched between the two models depending on datum currently called by the fitting program.
The parameter estimation was done in a few iterations, which differed in number of points effectively used for fitting. In the first iteration step all altitude offsets were used with equal weights and the azimuth offsets were weighted proportionally to the cosine of altitude. Before each successive step data, that deviated from the fit so far obtained by more than certain level, were downweighted by a factor of 1000. This somewhat subjective (because the final level choice depends on a user) procedure allowed to almost automatically eliminate any significant influence of outliers on the final solution. By the same token any weird behaviour of the telescope is left essentially undistorted and stands clearly out in the residuals for further study.
The example presented in the remainder of this document is a solution obtained at the rejection level arbitrarily set at 0.007 degrees, which effectively eliminated from the fit about a third of original data (those that deviated from the previous fit by more than this level). In this solution we have combined measurements collected in two separate campaigns, March 15 to June 12 in 2003, and January 29 to May 6 in 2004. Alterations, connected with the RT32 maintenance, carried out in the intervening period resulted in the relative beam offset of 0.017±0.001 degrees (as deduced from comparison of an earlier model based on 2004 data with the raw 2003 data). This required correction of the measured 2003 azimuth offsets by subtracting 0.017/cos H degrees before the final fit of all the data.

          RT32 Model3 parameters (without refraction)
    All ~5600 data collected in 2003 and 2004 were analysed
    and 3684 points fitted with RMS of 12.8" = 0.003550 deg

 p Parameter   (deriv.)               Value
1 Zero Az (1) -177.4+/- 1.9" = -0.049282+/-0.000528 deg 2 Zero Alt=pi/2-z (1) -214.7+/-10.8" = -0.059632+/-0.003008 deg 3 Skew Az (tg Alt) 34.0+/- 2.5" = 0.009452+/-0.000702 deg 4 Box Az (1/cos Alt) -47.7+/- 3.0" = -0.013255+/-0.000835 deg 5 Tilt South Az,Alt 5.0+/- 0.2" = 0.001393+/-0.000056 deg 6 Tilt West Az,Alt -1.1+/- 0.2" = -0.000304+/-0.000057 deg 7 Sag Alt (cos Alt) 112.6+/- 8.7" = 0.031273+/-0.002407 deg 8 Ad hoc Alt (sin Alt) 41.2+/- 7.0" = 0.011458+/-0.001949 deg 9 " Az (sin 2Az) -42.3+/- 0.3" = -0.011751+/-0.000094 deg 10 " Az (cos 2Az) 16.3+/- 0.3" = 0.004539+/-0.000083 deg 11 " Alt (sin 2Az) 15.4+/- 0.4" = 0.004291+/-0.000123 deg 12 " Alt jump (1) -73.4+/- 2.2" = -0.020392+/-0.000621 deg

Although the above table may indicate quite nice fit of the model and data, we would like to point out that individual parameters are not to be relied upon too much and the errors given are overoptimistic. This conlusion is based on comparison with earlier fits to parts of data included in this most complete collection. We believe this is due to high correlation between some of the 12 parameters. In particular, the correlation of the parameter No 1 in the table (azimuth encoder offset) with the 3rd and 4th is as high as about 0.95 and still higher correlation exists between the parameters 2, 7 and 8. For our purposes, however, the noted property is not of real moment, since we are interested primarily in stability and goodness of the overall fit.

As seen in Fig. 3, the residua from this model, which was fitted to about 66 % of the data, are generally small on the whole Alt-Az plane. Among 5615 (2758 altitude offsets and 2857 azimuth offsets) plotted points we have found as many as 4987 (2376 plus 2611), i.e. about 89 %, with residua smaller than 0.01 deg.
There are, however, whole sequences of measurement points with evidently systematically high departures. These that lie in close proximity of apparently good measurements may be assumed to be spurious and resulting e.g. from some error connected with particular observing session. More fundamental seems the abrupt fall of the altitude offsets when moving the telescope to higher altitudes and modeled as the 'jump'. The red line in the plot approximates the location of this jump.

Fig. 3: Residuals from RT32 pointing model fitting. Majority of them lie well below 0.01 degree in magnitude (a scale bar of +0.02 degree is shown near to the upper right corner), however there are areas of larger and systematic mismatching, most notably in the altitude case (lower figure) around the red curve, which marks a discontinuity (the jump in the model) of 0.02 degree. These need further investigation (a working hypothesis is that they might be due to a mechanical problem related to the subreflector)

Fig. 4: Smoothed residuals from Model3. The vertical bars correspond to the altitude offsets and the horizontal ones to the azimuth offsets. Each smoothed value is an average of residuals within 5° off the point, weighted with cosine function of the angular distance scaled to π/2 at the edge of this circular area. Averaged residuals were the same as in Fig. 3 except that those that exceeded 0.01° in absolute value have been suppressed.

Fig. 5: Distribution of residuals from Model3 along the azimuth (left panels) and along altitude coordinate (right panels). The upper panels show the residuals of azimuth offsets, the lower panels show the residuals of altitute offsets.

Lookup table of offsets
The model of azimuth offsets described in the preceding section can be used directly by the telescope steering system, but the elevation offsets must still be supplemented with a model for mean atmospheric refraction, similar to that employed for initial correcting of the raw offsets.
The RT32 steering system corrects the true coordinates basing on numerical data given in the form of a regular array. The array consists of 4 colums that represent the azimuth, zenith distance, azimuth offset and zenith distance offset, in this order, all these quantities being expressed in degrees. Each row corresponds to different coordinates in step of 1 degree covering the range:
  –270 through +270 in azimuth, and
  –5 through 89 in zenith distance,
so that there are 541×95 = 51395 rows or offset pairs in the lookup table.
Its structure, using the Model3 as an example, looks like this:
-270 -5  -0.0257069   0.0722200
-270 -4  -0.0189086   0.0713727
-270 89  -0.0668883  -0.3294362
-269 -5  -0.0252313   0.0723455
 270 88  -0.0668030  -0.2543178
 270 89  -0.0669250  -0.3300445
Such an ASCII table is further compressed to a binary format before submitting to the steering program. An RT32 operator invokes this particular table under the name '3model'.
The following tables give further details on the 3model correction table. Columns correspond to the azimuth given at their top in degrees. Rows correspond to the zenith distance (90° – H) given in degrees in the leftmost column. The values were here rounded to the nearest integer number of indicated units.

       Extracts from the 3model CORRECTION TABLE

Azimuth offsets as obtained from the exact model [0.001 deg]
z\Az -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 -5.00 3 -2 -2 6 15 12 -4 -24 -33 -26 -9 2 3 0.10-2366-2758-3007-3040-2852-2498-2078-1704-1468-1430-1601-1942-2366 10.00 -69 -85 -92 -84 -70 -62 -66 -74 -77 -69 -58 -57 -69 20.00 -58 -73 -78 -70 -57 -51 -57 -67 -71 -63 -51 -48 -58 30.00 -55 -69 -74 -66 -53 -48 -54 -66 -70 -62 -50 -46 -55 40.00 -54 -68 -73 -65 -52 -47 -54 -65 -69 -62 -49 -46 -54 50.00 -54 -67 -72 -64 -52 -47 -54 -66 -70 -62 -50 -46 -54 60.00 -55 -68 -72 -64 -52 -47 -54 -66 -71 -63 -51 -46 -55 70.00 -56 -68 -73 -65 -52 -48 -55 -68 -72 -64 -52 -47 -56 80.00 -57 -69 -74 -66 -53 -49 -56 -69 -73 -65 -53 -49 -57 89.00 -58 -70 -75 -67 -54 -50 -58 -70 -75 -67 -54 -50 -58 [approximate model has the form: p1 + p4/sinz + (p3 + p5*sinAz - p6*cosAz)/tanz + p9*sin2Az + p10*cos2Az] Zenith angle offsets (refraction and jump included) [0.001 deg]
z\Az -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 -5.00 71 68 68 73 77 78 74 70 69 72 75 75 71 0.10 70 66 65 68 71 71 67 63 64 69 73 73 70 10.00 62 58 57 60 63 63 59 56 57 61 65 66 62 20.00 54 50 50 53 35 35 31 48 49 53 58 58 54 30.00 26 22 22 25 28 27 23 20 41 46 50 30 26 40.00 19 15 14 17 20 20 16 12 13 18 22 22 19 50.00 10 6 6 9 12 11 8 4 5 9 14 14 10 60.00 0 -4 -4 -1 2 1 -3 -6 -5 -1 4 4 0 70.00 -16 -20 -21 -18 -15 -15 -19 -23 -22 -18 -13 -13 -16 80.00 -60 -64 -65 -62 -59 -59 -63 -66 -65 -61 -57 -56 -60 89.00 -328 -332 -333 -330 -327 -327 -331 -335 -334 -329 -325 -325 -328 [approximate model has the form: -p2 - p5*cosAz - p6*sinAz - p7*sinz - p8*cosz - p11*sin2Az - p12(conditionally) - refraction] Differences: approximate model - exact model [0.0001 deg] Azimuth differences z\Az -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 -5.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10 -319 -281 -125 93 274 340 289 178 65 -38 -146 -254 -318 10.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... ........................ (all zeroes) ........................ 89.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zenith angle differences z\Az -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 -5.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... ........................ (all zeroes) ........................ 89.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This document is based on years of efforts of the TRAO staff. I would like to especially thank my colleagues, Andrzej Kus, Marcin Gawroński and Radosław Zajączkowski, whose help and contribution were essential to finalizing the presented work.


Translated from TEX by TTH, v. 3.59 on 16 May 2004, 19:55 Last modified: 2004.06.24